Our Services
Floaters & Flashes
Floaters are small,translucent spots or specks that move about in the field of vision. They are more commonly seen in bright light.
Flashes are lightning streaks that are seen intermittently at the corner of the eye, usually more apparent in the dark.
Both symptoms arise from a degeneration of the vitreous gel in the eye and are usually harmless. However, if floaters and flashes occur very suddenly and in large numbers, with / without a deterioration of one’s vision, then a visit to an eye doctor is crucial to rule out a retinal tear or a retinal detachment. A retinal tear, if not treated immediately, may lead to a retinal detachment which is an eye emergency as it may lead to blindness. Sometimes, floaters can be caused by an inflammation or bleeding in the eye. This also requires prompt attention by the eye specialist.
A floater seen against the bright sky